National Make A Difference Day

National Make A Difference Day

  Volunteer Charity Give Help Share Service Concept National Make A Difference Day On Saturday, October 27, 2018, we invite you to join us in celebrating National Make A Difference Day.  Created in 1992, this day of community service is the largest in the...
Preventing Bullying With Social Competence

Preventing Bullying With Social Competence

  Good social skills can help young people to feel confident and connected to their peers.  Social, emotional and cognitive skills help young people learn to be aware of how their peers perceive them and how their own actions can impact those around them. ...
Sexual Harassment Is Bullying

Sexual Harassment Is Bullying

  This topic is not directly related to bullying, but it does involve the kind of behaviors that bullies use to gain control over their targets. I thought it was important to start a conversation and ask you to do the same in your schools, homes, sports teams,...
The Faces of Bullying-Who is Affected

The Faces of Bullying-Who is Affected

  To most people, bullying looks straight forward…there is a target and a bully and that’s it.  But if you stop to look a little closer, bullying is like a play with different people who play different roles.  Each person has a “role” or responsibility in the way...
Bully Hotspots-Don’t Get Burned

Bully Hotspots-Don’t Get Burned

  Bullying doesn’t happen just anywhere.  It is situational and usually happens in the same places at the same time of day.  Most often, the “hot spots” where bullying takes place are those areas where adult supervision is limited or nonexistent.  When students...
What Does Bullying Look Like?

What Does Bullying Look Like?

  In 2014, The Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Education reported on the first uniform definition of bullying.  The core definition included three elements: Unwanted aggressive behavior An imbalance of power Repetitive behaviors. To be...